Mar 9, 2009

hi friends!

I'm Jamiyla, this is my new blog of drawings and prints. Here are some of my screen prints:

These are some drawings I am currently working on that will eventually be screen printed:

This is a poster I did last summer for Toronto band Teenanger. I did the drawing and my friend Stephen Schramm did the text and layout:

Here is an older illustration job I did, it is the winter 2006 cover for Shameless Magazine:

Here are some drawings I did for a feature on bad bras in the spring 2007 issue of Shameless:

Here are some older drawings:

Here is a poster I made a couple summers ago for a night I used to do with my friend Justin:

Here are some really old drawings from when I was in school:


  1. These are awesome!!!

  2. um - i need to have one. the first or third from the top. these are kind of amazing-

  3. fuck these are great, i wish i could draw this well.

  4. can i purchase the st sebastian the musical one?

  5. I've seen the Teenanger T-shirts around, i didn't know that was you... nice work!

  6. Great work, love the bad bras!

  7. jammers... i did a mini refresh to my website today and added a link to this very blog.
    check it:
