Mar 15, 2009


Hi again,
thanks to everyone for all the nice comments, here's my most recent drawing.

Mar 9, 2009

hi friends!

I'm Jamiyla, this is my new blog of drawings and prints. Here are some of my screen prints:

These are some drawings I am currently working on that will eventually be screen printed:

This is a poster I did last summer for Toronto band Teenanger. I did the drawing and my friend Stephen Schramm did the text and layout:

Here is an older illustration job I did, it is the winter 2006 cover for Shameless Magazine:

Here are some drawings I did for a feature on bad bras in the spring 2007 issue of Shameless:

Here are some older drawings:

Here is a poster I made a couple summers ago for a night I used to do with my friend Justin:

Here are some really old drawings from when I was in school: